How to travel on a shoestring budget without slumming it too much

Budgeting isn’t fun for anyone, but it is even worse when it comes to traveling. All you want to do is to go abroad and have some fun. The last thing you want to think about is the dent that you’re making in your bank account. However, by planning ahead, you can genuinely travel around on a shoestring budget. If you spend the time planning before you travel, not only will you probably forget about your budget, but you will enjoy not worrying about money for the entirety of your trip. Here are a few tips to ensure you see the sights, make amazing memories, and make your trip abroad worthwhile, without being money draining.


Finding cheap accommodation is probably the easiest thing to save money on. Unless you are wanting a luxury five-star hotel, finding accommodation for any price is pretty easy. There are so many sites that allow you to search for cheap accommodation, and they help you to compare each property you find. If you are really tight for cash, however, free accommodation is out there. You can sign up to work for your rent at a hostel, or join a language exchange program. Although this may mean working for a portion of your time in the country you have decided to visit, it will all become part of the experience. We would recommend that you read the reviews before you arrive, as sometimes paying less means sacrificing things such as location or cleanliness.

How to travel on a shoestring budget without slumming it too much


Cutting food prices is actually pretty easy. Although most of us want to try as many local delicacies as possible, dining out at fancy restaurants every day isn’t always possible for those of us traveling on a budget. A lot of hostels (don’t panic, hear us out) have a kitchen that guests can use. Take advantage of this! Buy local, buy cheap food at the store and cook for yourself. When looking for a store, keep an eye out for markets rather than chain stores. Buying fresh fruits and vegetables will always taste better from a cute local market. However, not everyone is a master in the kitchen. If you are one of these people, fear not, there are other cheaper alternatives to feeding yourself. You can save some money by buying street food from street vendors instead. Try and find places that locals eat, as while it may take longer to get your food, it will be worth it.


Not everyone enjoys the same thing on their holiday, but finding free activities is actually a pretty easy task. Just by walking around a new city, you will see all the different sights and tourist spots. If you are slightly more of an adventurous traveler, you might enjoy strolling around a new city, taking in all the sights, sounds and smells. You might even end up seeing some less touristy areas, and meet some local people instead. Wandering around is completely free, and you are your own boss if you decide to do this. However, this might not be the best thing for people who prefer a little bit more structure to their travels. If this is you, don’t worry. There are plenty of tours known as ‘free walking tours’, which are very popular, especially if you have planned a trip around Europe. If you chat to the local tour guides, they may actually be able to point you in the direction of even more free activities.

How to travel on a shoestring budget without slumming it too much

Traveling can be pretty pricey, but that doesn’t mean we should miss out just because we haven’t got very much money in the bank. If you save up for a little while, you might find you can actually see a new city sooner than you think. Remember to do your research before traveling anywhere new, and try and find cheaper alternatives for what you had initially planned to do. Happy travels!

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