Jimmy Fallon asks people to sum up famous movies badly, and they deliver

A zero-star review

Jimmy Fallon may be one of the most famous talk show hosts of all time, but that’s not all he has up his sleeve. He’s also known for asking his Twitter followers to take part in all kinds of fun activities, and there’s no doubt about the fact that this is one of his best. After asking his followers to sum up movies in a bad way, these people did not disappoint – and they’re pretty hilarious. Even if you haven’t watched all of the movies on this list, you probably know which ones they are based on these summarizations. Prepare to laugh.

[post_page_title]A zero-star review[/post_page_title]

It’s always good to get away from it all, right? When you work so hard, taking a vacation and choosing a cool Airbnb is one of the best ways to relax and unwind.

A zero-star review

However, as this hilarious Twitter user pointed out, this wasn’t really the case when Jack, Danny, Wendy, and the rest of the Torrance family make their way to their rented accommodation. In fact, we’re gonna go ahead and assume that they gave this place a zero-star review after this horrific ordeal.

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